Bringing Digital Dome Technology
To the Pro-Life & Conservative


Targeted Digital Advertising With NO CENSORSHIP

Pregnancy Centers

Our specialized program helps pro-life pregnancy centers bust through Silicon Valley's censorship and reach abortion-minded women directly, interrupting their journey and delivering life-affirming messaging.

Conservative Orgs

Donors and Voters are out there just waiting to learn about your organization! Our targeting technology isolates your ideal donor's "persona" and puts your advertising directly in front of people who have a history of donating to and voting for campaigns just like yours!

Get Out The Vote

After Dobbs, we are closer than we have ever been to a pro-life victory, but we are also closer than ever to defeat! Our targeting technology is being used in GOTV efforts to mobilize voters to take action on important pro-life and conservative bills, ballot initiatives, and campaigns.

Beyond Basic Ads

The world is changing, and so is the way you reach your target auiednce is also changing! Our tech goes beyond the basic display ads offered by people who resell Google Ads and lets you reach a targeted audience using audio ads, video ads, sponsored articles, mobile ads, and much more!

Algorithm-Based Targeting

Custom Landing Pages

Attribution to Prove It

Revolutionizing Pro-Life Marketing

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is being able to prove it is successful! Our targeting strategies integrate directly with our appointment booking system and CRM to prove when web traffic comes from ad clicks or after ad views!


We only work with conservative and pro-life organizations because we are conservative and pro-life! We built our software stack and targeting technology from the ground up to make sure that Leftists in Silicon Valley cannot censor us or our clients. Learn how we can help you ditch woke companies and take back control of your advertising and messaging!

We Can Help You!

Tired of having to jump through hoops to comply with big tech companies' terms of service in order to advertise online?

Fill out this intake form to learn more about how Defend Life Digital can take your organization or business to the next level with NO Censorship!

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