How We Advertise

Digital advertising has come a long way since "pop-up" ads. Today's digital ads are hyper targeted and delivered through multiple different mediums.

Digital Display Ads

Digital display ads are the "bread and butter" of any digital ad campaign. They are the most affordable way to get your messaging in front of the right audience!

We produce static, animated, and HTML5 ads the pop off the page and get your target audience's attention.

Once we create the custom targeting algorithm targeting specific people, we serve these ads anywhere on the internet that they go (and ad space is available)!

Video Ads

Video ads are one of the most effective ways at getting your message across to your ideal audience. Our system allows us to serve these commercials to your target audience before or during online video plays.


Like video ads, ConnectedTV ads are served to your target audience while they are watching streaming services like Hulu, YouTube TV, or Roku on their phones, tablets, computers, or televisions. We have even run advertisements on Smart Refrigerator screens as well! As more people "cut the cord" and ditch cable or satellite tv, ConnectedTV is quickly becoming one of the best methods of digital advertising. ConnectedTV is also much more affordable than traditional tv advertising, allowing you to serve television ads to your target audience without having to waste money by advertising to an entire city or state.

Podcast Ads

Every day, millions of people listen to audio podcasts while they commute, exercise, work, or relax around the house. Those podcasts have advertising space built within them that are available for purchase! Similar to our ConnectedTV system, we can serve audio commercials to your target audience while they are listening to audio podcasts and digital radio. And it costs a lot less than buying commercials through a radio station!

Out-Of-Home Billboards

Digital ads are not just on your personal devices anymore! All across the country, traditional billboard advertisements are being replaced by digital billboards. I am not just talking about billboards on the side of the highway, either. Digital advertising space is popping up in shopping centers, entertainment venues, doctor's offices, gyms, convenience stores, and transportation hubs. Our targeting tech is integrated with these digital billboard companies, allowing for you to buy real-world advertising for a fraction of the amount that it normally costs!

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