You've got questions? We've got answers!

Commonly Asked Questions

Our technologies and strategies are best explained through one of our free one-on-one walkthroughs, which you can sign up for using our intake form. In the meantime, here are some of the most commonly asked questions that we get.

Is this legal?

Yes. Targeted digital advertising is completely legal and we only employ advertising technologies and strategies that are completely legal. Everything that people do online is tracked in one way or another. Tech companies might not know people's names, but they can recognize their behaviors. What you do online and the content that you consume paints a picture of who you are. We work with the companies that aggregate this data to build custom algorithms to target specific people.

How are you different from Google Ads?

Chances are that if you're on this page, that means you either run a conservative or pro-life organization, or you are pro-life or a conservative. Google hates you. Google hates what you stand for. Google does not want you to succeed. Even if Google will take your advertising money and let you put your message out there, and even if Google Ads are bringing you success, Google is using the data they glean from your campaigns to prop up liberal organizations. If you find a way to reach abortion-minded women or swing voters, Google will use your success to help Planned Parenthood and Democrat organizations do the same. Defend Life Digital only works with conservative and pro-life organizations. Your data will NEVER be used to support the other side!

Is this expensive?

It doesn't have to be! We work with clients at all different budget levels. While advertising results are obviously better when more money is spent, we have had tremendous success with clients who have relatively small budgets who only want to target a localized audience.

Can you prove it works?

Yes. For every campaign that we launch, we incorporate conversion scripts to track not only who clicks on one of the ads, but also who views the ads and then arrives at your webpage without clicking!

Do you charge by the click?

Whereas other advertising companies charge by the click (cost per click, or CPC), we buy ad placements by the impression (cost per mille, or CPM). We have a client who previously used a Google Ads company and got charged by the click. If they advertised to one person and that lone person clicked on the ad, it would cost them $25. With us, that same $25 can bring in thousands of ad impressions served to hundreds of people with multiple clicks and conversions. Not only does our CPM model save you money, but it also allows you to reach more people!

How do I get started?

Click the link to fill out an intake form and one of our account managers will schedule a time to go over our products and services and explain how we can take your organization to the next level!

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